Well, I’m back from my trip home. I didn’t really mean to, but I ended up cooking almost as much as I did last year. Here’s the rundown:
Something easy to start: No knead bread, starting from http://steamykitchen.com/168-no-knead-bread-revisited.html with a few of my usual tweaks. I mostly followed the recipe, but added some extra gluten to the dough and some water to compensate, also I used regular yeast instead of instant, but it seemed to work out fine.
Ingredients immediately after mixing.
Left to sit overnight.
After sitting.
Baked. It's really easy to make and is seriously some of the most delicious bread I've ever had. It's unusually light on the inside and is the first bread that I've been able to get that super crackly crust. I just need to find something in which to bake it, back here in Toronto.
Taking a break from cooking with an evening of Civ V.
Topped off the week with a little dinner party. Sous vide flatirons are delicious, well strip loin even more so, and it’s perfect for keeping food warm when everyone shows up an hour late. (cough… cough) Glazed carrots as a veggie dish, Jeff and Sarah brought scalloped potatoes, and to top the evening off, an encore of my Turtles Cheesecake. My instructable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Turtle-Cheesecake/
Stay tuned for experiments in home deep frying. (assuming I don’t immolate myself)